terça-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2015

Misunderstandings and miscommunications

Misunderstandings – falta de comunicação
Miscommunications – Mal entendido

It takes place when:
  1. Requests from the pilot that the controller repeat the instructions;
  2. Misunderstandings by the pilot that result in incorrect readback (repetiton, cotejamento);
  3. Failure of the controller to recognize incorrect readback;
  4. Either the controller or the pilot confusing the call sign (matrícula).

Causes of communication breakdown (falha de comunicação):
  1. Complexity of instructions
  2. Mispronunciation (pronúncia errada)
  3. Misunderstandings
  4. Instructions spoken too quickly

  1. Keep instructions short
  2. Listen to what a pilot reads back
  3. Speak slowly
  4. Break up message into its individual words
  5. Ask when not sure.

  • Mishear - ouvir 

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